Sunday, December 20, 2009

Stream media using an app built with the Roku SDK

Roku is a media streamer that streams Netflix in HD, Revision3,, Twit, etc. And now with the public SDK you can stream your local media by simply setting up a server that your home-brew app can point for its content.

This is a simple (and currently non-elegant)

solution to playing your local media on the Roku via a web server running on an OSX machine (i.e. macbook). It's a proof of concept that can be automated, cleaned up, simplified, and made more robust ... in time.

Pick up a Roku HD Player, Roku HD-XR Player, or Roku N1050 SD Player and have some fun with the SDK!

1) Getting started:
  • Download the Roku SDK: http:/
  • Enable the roku developer menu on your device using the remote:
    UP, UP, Down, Down, Left, Rigth, Left, Rigth, Select A, Select B, Start (just kidding)
    (For real) Home 3x, Up 2x, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right
  • Find your Roku IP address “Roku Player Settings”, “player info” to find the IP address
  • To access the installer homepage, use your roku address:
2) Start the media server on OSX
  • Open the 'Settings' panel -> Sharing -> Web Sharing -> Server is running
  • Place a m4v movie into the 'Users/nickc/Sites' dir (out of the box it supports .mp4, .wmv, .mov, and .m4v)
  • Test out the path by copy/pasting it to your web browser:
3) Modify the sample app:
  • Goto the SDK dir:
    cd rokudev/examples/source/simplevideoplayer/source
  • Change the 'appMain.brs' file:
    urls = [""]
  • There are other settings worth looking into if you have an HD movie and want to update the sample text/images
  • Rebuild the app in the terminal:
    cd rokudev/examples/source/simplevideoplayer/source
  • Goto the Roku installer:
    Choose File -> rokudev/examples/zips/
  • The Roku will make a sound when it is done loading
4) Enter the Roku Player main menu
  • The sample app will show in the menu as the last app
  • Select it (which will show the sample description and images)
Thats it. Press play and your local movie on your network will begin playing from Roku!